To help ensure that a high standard of cleaning is consistently achieved and maintained throughout all our contracts, all Site Managers, Supervisors and Cleaners undergo our appropriate induction and familiarisation training programmer. Induction Programme: 1) Background to Starplus Cleaning Services Ltd 2) Terms and Conditions 3) Payroll Procedures 4) Uniforms 5) Security/Attendance Registration/Identification Cards 6) Fire Precaution Training 7) Health and Safety Training 8)Methods of Cleaning - BICS 9) Materials to be used On Site Training: 1) Job specification/Location/Areas to be covered 2) Methods of Cleaning – Site Specific 3) Materials to be used 4) Standards Required FIRE PRECAUTION TRAINING PROGRAMME The following Fire Precaution Training is given to all new employees: 1) Smoking 2) Health & Safety 3) Procedure in the event of fire 4) Location of fire alarms 5) Extinguisher types and mode of operation 6) Exit locations and procedures for evacuation 7) Assembly points 8)Roll call/Attendance registers